Perfect Square Trinomial Calculator


How to use the perfect square trinomial calculator?

Step 1: Enter the trinomial in the corresponding input box. To enter the trinomial correctly, take into account the suggestions mentioned in the next question.

Step 2: Click “Factor” to get the perfect square trinomial.

Step 3: If the polynomial was entered correctly, and if it is a perfect square trinomial, the solution will be displayed at the bottom along with the original trinomial.

If it is not a perfect square trinomial, the expression will be shown in a simplified form if possible.

How to enter trinomials in the calculator?

We can use * to indicate multiplication between variables and coefficients. For example, instead of entering 5x or 2x, we must enter 5*x or 2*x.

Also, we can use the ^ sign to write exponents. For example, to write \(x^2\), we have to enter x^2.

Finally, we can enter fractional coefficients using the / sign. The following are some examples of how to enter trinomials:

  • To write \(x^2+4x+2\), enter x^2+4*x+2.
  • To write \(2x^2-11x+7\), enter 2*x^2-11*x+7.
  • To write \(\frac{1}{3}x^2-\frac{1}{2}x+2\), enter 1/3*x^2-1/2*x+2.

What is a perfect square trinomial?

A trinomial is a polynomial that is made up of three terms connected by addition and subtraction. A perfect square trinomial is a polynomial that is relatively easy to factor. A perfect square trinomial can be defined as an expression that is obtained by squaring a binomial.

How to identify a perfect square trinomial?

We can follow the following tips to determine if a trinomial is a perfect square trinomial:

  • Check if the first and last terms of the trinomial are perfect squares.
  • Multiply the roots of the first and last terms.
  • Compare the result of the multiplication with the middle term.
  • If the first and last terms are perfect squares and the coefficient of the middle term is twice the product of the square roots of the first and last terms, then the expression is a perfect square trinomial.

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