Inches to Millimeters Calculator

Enter inches in ?





With this calculator, you can convert a given distance in inches to a distance in millimeters. You can use inches in decimal form and in fractional form.

Below you will find additional information about using the calculator. In addition, you can also read general information about inches and millimeters. Finally, you will find a conversion table.

How to use the calculator to convert from inches to millimeters?

Step 1: Use the buttons to select between entering inches in decimal or fractional form.

Step 2: Enter any distance or length in the inches input box.

Step 3: Click “Convert”.

Step 4: Its equivalent in millimeters will be displayed on the right-hand side panel. Additional solutions and the process used to convert to millimeters will be shown below.

How many millimeters are there in an inch?

1 inch is equal to 24.5 millimeters. Alternatively, 1 millimeter is equal to 0.03937 inches.

Millimeters and inches are units of distance or length. Inches belong to the imperial system and millimeters belong to the metric system. We use mm to represent millimeters and ″ or in to represent inches.

How to convert inches to millimeters?

Since 1 inch is equal to 25.4 millimeters, we can simply multiply the inches by 25.4 to get the distance in millimeters. That is, we can form the following formula:

d(mm) = d(in) × 25.4

Example 1:

Convert 5 inches to millimeters.

By multiplying the inches by 25.4, we have:

d(mm) = 5 × 25.4

d(mm) = 127 mm

Example 2:

How many millimeters equal 9 inches?

When we multiply inches by 25.4, we have:

d(mm) = 9 × 25.4

d(mm) = 228.6 mm

Example 3:

Convert 6 1/2 inches to millimeters.

In this case, we have a mixed number, so we need to first convert it to a decimal. Therefore, we know that 1/2 equals 0.5, so 6 1/2 inches equals 6.5 inches.

Now, we multiply the inches by 25.4 and we have:

d(mm) = 6.5 × 25.4

d(mm) = 165.1 mm

Inches to millimeters conversion table

Inches (“)Millimeters (mm)
0.01 ″0.254000 mm
1/64 ″0.396875 mm
1/32 ″0.793750 mm
1/16 ″1.587500 mm
0.1 ″2.540000 mm
1/8 ″3.175 mm
1/4 ″6.35 mm
1/2 ″12.7 mm
1 ″25.4 mm
2 ″50.8 mm
3 ″76.2 mm
4 ″101.6 mm
5 ″127.0 mm
6 ″152.4 mm
7 ″177.8 mm
8 ″203.2 mm
9 ″228.6 mm
10 ″ 254.0 mm
20 ″508.0 mm
30 ″762.0 mm
40 ″1016.0 mm
50 ″1270.0 mm
60 ″1524.0 mm
70 ″1778.0 mm
80 ″2032.0 mm
90 ″2286.0 mm
100 ″2540.0 mm

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