Dividing Fractions Calculator

How many fractions?


Step-by-step solution:

Use this calculator to divide two or more fractions. You can divide up to four fractions at the same time. Apart from the answer, you will also get a step-by-step solution.

Below you will find additional information on using the calculator. In addition, you will also be able to read general information about dividing two or more fractions.

How to use the calculator to divide fractions?

Step 1: Use the “2”, “3” or “4” buttons depending on the number of fractions you want to use.

Step 2: Write the numerator and denominator of the fractions in the corresponding input boxes.

Step 3: Change the division signs to multiplication, if necessary.

Step 4: Click “Divide”.

Step 5: The answer and step-by-step solution will be displayed at the bottom.

How to divide two fractions?

Dividing two fractions is equivalent to multiplying the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second. Recall that the reciprocal of a fraction can be found simply by swapping the numerator and denominator.

Also, to multiply the fractions, we only have to multiply the numerators and denominators separately.

Example 1:

Find the result of the division $latex \frac{3}{4}\div \frac{1}{3}$.

Solution: To divide fractions, we can start by writing the reciprocal of the second fraction and converting the division to multiplication:

$$\frac{3}{4}\div \frac{1}{3}$$

$$=\frac{3}{4}\times \frac{3}{1}$$

Now, we can multiply the numerators and denominators separately:

$$\frac{3}{4}\times \frac{3}{1}$$

$$=\frac{3\times 3}{4\times 1}$$


Example 2:

Find the result of the division $latex \frac{4}{5}\div \frac{5}{6}$.

Solution: We can divide fractions by writing the reciprocal of the second fraction and converting the division to multiplication:

$$\frac{4}{5}\div \frac{5}{6}$$

$$=\frac{4}{5}\times \frac{6}{5}$$

Then, we have to multiply the numerators and denominators separately:

$$\frac{4}{5}\times \frac{6}{5}$$

$$=\frac{4\times 6}{5\times 5}$$



How to divide more than two fractions?

To divide more than two fractions, we can use the same process used in dividing two fractions. We just have to write the reciprocal of the dividing fraction and change the multiplication to division.

Example 1:

What is the result of the division $latex \frac{2}{3}\div \frac{1}{2}\div \frac{3}{5}$?

Solution: This is a division of three fractions. To find the result, we have to write the reciprocals of the dividing fractions and change from division to multiplication:

$$\frac{2}{3}\div \frac{1}{2}\div \frac{3}{5}$$

$$=\frac{2}{3}\times \frac{2}{1}\times \frac{5}{3}$$

Now, we solve the multiplication by multiplying the numerators and denominators separately:

$$=\frac{2\times 2 \times 5}{3 \times 1 \times 3}$$


Example 2:

Determine the result of the division $latex \frac{3}{2}\div \frac{2}{3}\div \frac{5}{4}$.

Solution: To solve the division, we have to write the reciprocals of the dividing fractions and write the divisions as multiplications:

$$\frac{3}{2}\div \frac{2}{3}\div \frac{5}{4}$$

$$=\frac{3}{2}\times \frac{3}{2}\times \frac{4}{5}$$

Now, we multiply the numerators and denominators separately:

$$=\frac{3\times 3 \times 4}{2 \times 2 \times 5}$$



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