Feet+Inches to Feet Calculator





With this calculator, you can convert a given distance in feet+inches to a distance in feet only. Along with the solution, the calculator also displays the process used.

Below is some additional information about using the calculator. Also, you can read general information about the relationship between feet and inches. Finally, you will find a conversion table.

How to use the feet+inches to feet calculator?

Step 1: Enter the distance in feet in the first input box.

Step 2: Enter the distance inches in the second input box.

Step 3: Click “Convert”.

Step 4: The equivalent in feet will be displayed on the right-hand side of the calculator. The process used to convert the units will be shown at the bottom.

What is the relationship between feet+inches and feet?

Feet and inches are units of distance or length in the imperial system. 1 foot is equal to 12 inches or alternatively, 1 inch is equal to 0.083333 feet.

We can use the abbreviation ft to represent feet and we can use the abbreviation in to represent inches.

How to convert from feet+inches to feet?

To convert from feet+inches to feet, we have to start by taking the number of feet. Next, we divide the number of inches by 12 and add the result to the given number of feet.

Example 1:

What is the equivalence of 3 feet + 5 inches in feet?

We start by taking the number of feet, in this case 3. Then we divide the inches by 12 and we get: 5/12=0.416667.

Now, we add to the 3 feet given initially, and we have 3+0.416667=3.416667 feet.

Example 2:

Determine the number of feet that are equal to 7 feet + 11 inches.

In this case, we have 7 feet. Then we have to divide the number of inches by 12 and we get: 0.916667.

Finally, we add this value to the initially given number of feet: 7+0.916667=7.916667 feet.

Example 3:

Find the number of feet that are equal to 11 feet + 3 inches.

The number of feet is 11. Then we divide the number of inches by 12 and we get: 3/12=0.25.

Adding this value to the initially given number of feet, we have: 11+0.25=11.25 feet.

Feet+inches to feet conversion table

Feet (ft) +Inches (in)Feet (ft)
1 ft +1 in1.083333 ft
1 ft +2 in1.166667 ft
1 ft +3 in1.250000 ft
1 ft +4 in1.333333 ft
1 ft +5 in1.416667 ft
1 ft +6 in1.500000 ft
1 ft +7 in1.583333 ft
1 ft +8 in1.666667 ft
1 ft +9 in1.750000 ft
1 ft +10 in1.833333 ft
1 ft +11 in1.916667 ft
2 ft +1 in2.083333 ft
2 ft +2 in2.166667 ft
2 ft +3 in2.250000 ft
2 ft +4 in2.333333 ft
2 ft +5 in2.416667 ft
2 ft +6 in2.500000 ft
2 ft +7 in2.583333 ft
2 ft +8 in2.666667 ft
2 ft +9 in2.750000 ft
2 ft +10 in2.833333 ft
2 ft +11 in2.916667 ft
3 ft +1 in3.083333 ft
3 ft +2 in3.166667 ft
3 ft +3 in3.250000 ft

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