Feet+Inches to Centimeters Calculator





This calculator allows you to convert a given distance in feet+inches to a given distance in centimeters. You can also get the process used to convert.

Below you can find instructions on how to use the calculator. Also, you will find useful information on the relationship between feet+inches and centimeters. Finally, you will find a conversion table.

How to use the feet+inches to centimeters calculator?

Step 1: Write the number of feet in the first input box.

Step 2: Write the number of inches in the second input box.

Step 3: Click “Convert.”

Step 4: The solution in centimeters will be displayed on the right-hand side. Also, the process used to convert feet+inches to centimeters will be shown at the bottom.

What is the relationship between feet+inches and centimeters?

Both feet and inches are units of distance or length in the imperial system. On the other hand, centimeters are units of distance in the metric system.

1 foot is equal to 12 inches and 1 inch is equal to 2.54 centimeters.

How to convert from feet+inches to centimeters?

To convert from feet+inches to centimeters, we need to start by converting from feet to inches. For this, we multiply the number of feet by 12.

We then get the total number of inches by adding the inch equivalent of the feet and the initially given number of inches.

Finally, we multiply the total number of inches by 2.54 to get the number of centimeters.

Example 1:

Find the number of centimeters that are equal to 2 feet + 3 inches.

We have to start by finding the number of inches that are equivalent to 2 feet. Therefore, we multiply them by 12 and we have: 2×12=24.

Now, we add the 24 inches to the 3 inches given initially. Therefore, we have: 24+3=27.

Finally, we multiply the total number of inches by 2.54 to get the number of centimeters:

d(cm) = 27×2.54

d(cm) = 68.58 cm

Example 2:

How many centimeters equal 4 feet + 5 inches?

We convert from feet to inches by multiplying 4 times 12. Therefore, we have: 4×12=48.

Next, we are going to add the 48 inches to the 5 inches given initially. Therefore, we have: 48+5=53.

Finally, we multiply the total number of inches by 2.54 to get the number of centimeters:

d(cm) = 53×25.4

d(cm) = 134.62 cm

Example 3:

Find the number of centimeters that are equal to 7 feet + 9 inches.

We can convert the number of feet to inches by multiplying 7 by 12. Therefore, we have: 7×12=84.

Adding the 84 inches obtained to the initial 9 inches, we get: 84+9=93.

Finally, we multiply the inches by 2.54 to get the number of centimeters:

d(cm) = 93 ×2.54

d(cm) = 236.22 cm

Feet+Inches to Centimeters conversion table

Feet (ft) +Inches (in)Centimeters (cm)
1 ft +1 in33.02 cm
1 ft +2 in35.56 cm
1 ft +3 in38.1 cm
1 ft +4 in40.64 cm
1 ft +5 in43.18 cm
1 ft +6 in45.72 cm
1 ft +7 in48.26 cm
1 ft +8 in50.8 cm
1 ft +9 in53.34 cm
1 ft +10 in55.88 cm
1 ft +11 in58.42 cm
2 ft +1 in63.5 cm
2 ft +2 in66.04 cm
2 ft +3 in68.58 cm
2 ft +4 in71.12 cm
2 ft +5 in73.66 cm
2 ft +6 in76.2 cm
2 ft +7 in78.74 cm
2 ft +8 in81.28 cm
2 ft +9 in83.82 cm
2 ft +10 in86.36 cm
2 ft +11 in88.9 cm
3 ft +1 in93.98 cm
3 ft +2 in96.52 cm
3 ft +3 in99.06 cm

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